Meeting Time: June 10, 2020 at 3:00pm EDT
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Agenda Item

1. Discussion of proposed agreement with Comcast

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    Jeffery Larson almost 5 years ago

    Jeffery Larson, Frederick MD. With the recent pandemic, I have seen the weaknesses of Comcast's city-wide deployment laid bare. I have seen daily drops in service that are not associated with time of day, weather, or any other event outside of Comcast's control. While one could reasonably expect that their equipment be saturated at 10pm, it is much harder to explain why my connection also drops at
    2:45am, 2:45 pm, and during any given hour in-between. While my network monitoring equipment only queries every 15 minutes, I have seen drops and loss of service for approximately 2 months now, which is plenty of time for Comcast to have noticed and resolved these issues. As someone who works in the telecommunications and IT field, 99.9% uptime, or the amount of time that uninterrupted or degraded service is available to clients, is standard. Comcast is not being held to that standard. I ask that the members of this workshop develop and implement a complaint system that can be monitored, and implement a way to request quality control/quality testing on Comcast services. Comcast should be held to at least a minimal standard of quality.