Meeting Time: October 13, 2021 at 3:00pm EDT
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Agenda Item

2. Discussion of a COVID-19 Vaccination Incentive/Reward Program:

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    Roberta Huber over 3 years ago

    I oppose providing monetary incentives to city employees for taking Covid-19 vaccinations. Employees should be given leave time to obtain vaccinations and leave time if an employee has a reaction to the shot. Taking vaccinations is a public health issue. The vaccinations protect the employees in the work environment and the general public as well.

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    Marjorie Rosensweig over 3 years ago

    All, I strongly oppose the vaccination monetary incentive program for City employees. Providing paid time off to receive the vaccination(s) and appropriate paid sick leave for reactions thereto are appropriate measures to compensate employees; a bonus of $500 or $1000 is not. As one of the 91+% of Frederick County senior citizens who are fully vaccinated (without compensation!), I can attest that we (or most of us) did not expect, nor did we receive, benefits for our action other than to protect ourselves, our loved ones and friends, the community, and our public/private health care system. That should certainly be sufficient motivation for City employees as well. We (taxpayers) pay their salaries which, while not at the highest end of the compensation scale, are certainly livable wages. Paying a bonus for their vaccinations is a slap in the face to the approximately 165,000 Countians who are fully vaccinated without promises of financial compensation. Marge Rosensweig