Meeting Time: October 21, 2021 at 7:00pm EDT
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Agenda Item

a. Approval of a Resolution concerning a COVID-19 Vaccination Incentive/Reward Program.

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    cathy anderson about 3 years ago

    Without seeing the other municipality comparisons, it's impossible to have an informed opinion. I expected to see more from the Mayor on this one. And, this is a perfect example of how the Mayor's office fails to communicate.

    That said if what I heard in the workshop was accurate.
    Where the only city to receive 100% vaccine compliance was the jurisdiction that mandated vaccines.
    Then MINIMAL incentive ($100) and MANDATE the vaccine. If the employee doesn't comply, then say goodbye.
    This policy must have both "a carrot and a stick"

    It's is not the taxpayer's responsibility to provide a large incentive to city employees to do the right thing.

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    Marjorie Rosensweig about 3 years ago

    Once again, I strongly oppose the vaccination incentive reward program for City employees. The sentiment of many of my friends and neighbors? "Fire the unvaccinated" or, at minimum, require they are regularly (at least 2x/week) tested for Covid. Incentivizing vaccinations is neither necessary nor warranted. Why City employees should be rewarded for "doing the right thing" makes no sense--at least not to me or my friends and neighbors who are fully vaccinated for our health, that of our family and friends, and the larger community. City employees receive fair compensation for their service. Recent experience nationwide documents that vaccine mandates, as opposed to vaccine "bonuses," are effective. If you're looking for ways to spend the $650,000 here are some options: 1) work with the FCHD to encourage and facilitate vaccinations for our teenagers (12-18) who are eligible for vaccination but have not done so in sufficient numbers and for our youth (5-11) who will soon be eligible. Gift cards ($25-50) via raffle for these populations--especially around holiday gift giving time--might incentivize these cohorts. 2) Awards to vaccinators and others who have worked tirelessly to bring the vaccines to the people at various venues around the City. 3) Award(s) to medical personnel at Frederick Health Hospital who staffed the Covid ward.

    Marge Rosensweig