Meeting Time: February 16, 2023 at 7:00pm EST

Agenda Item

1. Approval of an Ordinance to amend the official zoning maps to apply the historic preservation overlay zone while maintaining the medium density residential base zone to the property located at 1700 Atlas Drive

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    Todd Offutt almost 2 years ago

    In a letter dated March 14, 2015, the Chair of the HPC recommended the following re: HPC/PC14-98ZMA seeking approval for the application of the Historic Preservation Overlay (HO) zone to the Mill House … at 199 Baughmans Lane (Belle Air-Conley Farm):

    “[The] Commission found that an HPO that provided a 100-foot buffer around the buildings to be sufficient to help preserve the character and integrity of these historic resources.”

    At the February 16, 2023, public hearing, the Mayor was absent, but the Aldermen voted to ignore that wise recommendation in a dramatic overreach and demonstration of government power by swallowing the entire parcel. There were no protests asking for this action or petition drive to make it so. It was just a raw exercise in tyranny. Tonight, freedom dimmed.