Meeting: Workshop

Meeting Time: March 03, 2021 at 3:00pm EST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

1. Continued discussion of Draft 2020 Comprehensive Plan

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    Mark Long about 4 years ago

    Mayor O’Connor and Board of Alderman,

    After review of the Housing Chapter of the proposed 2020 Comprehensive Plan, I want to inform you that the policies outlined in that chapter appear to be in general alignment with the positions of the Affordable Housing Council and the AHC supports these policies. Kudos to the staff for a job well done!

    The Council looks forward to working with city staff and elected officials in any way possible to help support the implementation of these policies, so that a wide variety of housing types are available to city residents of all income ranges and of all levels of need. These policies will help the City of Frederick to continue to be a vibrant and livable community!


    Mark Long
    Chair, Affordable Housing Council