Meeting: Workshop

Meeting Time: March 31, 2021 at 3:00pm EDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

1. Discussion on CORE, Community Opportunities for Reinvestment and Enhancement

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    James Schmersahl almost 4 years ago

    Comments on Workshop Agenda item
    March 31 2021 – Core . Community Opportunities for Reinvestment and Enhancement
    James Schmersahl – 35 East All Saints St ,Frederick

    I am in general support of this initiative, There are properties in Frederick that can be tetter utilized and as an urban planner support the efficient and productive use of land . That said. I also recognize that effective utilization does not equate to maximum allowable use under zoning nor development of the entire available footprint . There are quite a few “soft “ uses of land that will augment the City’s built environment and add amenity value leading to an even stronger and more vital City .
    This land disposition process should consider of both development / redevelopment potential and community enhancement and quality of life improvements on a site by site basis . The end result should be a targeted RFP and site- specific development criteria that are not always “ what the market may bear” but fashioned to the neighborhood .
    I offer these specific comments .
    I can think of several times the City was the seller of land ; when the deal was close to completion certain use restrictions showed up . Notably from Program Open Space specifying park use . A title search and close look at any possible restrictions by funding entities like HUD etc is recommended .
    City may wish to acquire land to augment existing holdings . There are gaps in the linear park system which could be filled . perhaps land is still needed near the airport . If the land disposition policy allows it perhaps surplus sites elsewhere could be used for an exchange working with the few key landholders – Frederick County Government for one -who are may to consider a swap .
    I would like to see a general policy of No Net Loss in green space and tree cover as an overall goal – not necessarily for each sire .
    Thank you for your consideration