Meeting Time: December 09, 2020 at 7:00pm EST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

PC20-973FSI - Tuscarora Creek Planned Neighborhood Development (PND) Multifamily, East Side of Walter Martz Road and North of Christophers Crossing

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    Leilani Dior over 4 years ago

    We already have a neighborhood full of people. It would add too much traffic and noise.. we are already quiet and humble... decline this #respectfully.... it’s gonna be too much... we are more in a quiet distanced area..

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    Carms Chavarria over 4 years ago

    My main concern is the already crowding of schools in this area and adding apts will make that worse. I have 3 boys in FCPS. Yellow springs is already old and tiny as is. Apartments should be the last thing being added to this growing area. A small shopping area with convenience stores would be best. I def do not agree with this.

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    Brian McGrath over 4 years ago

    What we were told 10 years ago has changed as far as what the multi-family units would be. Apartments are not the same as townhomes or condos. Are these buildings going to butt right up against Walter Martz? Will there be a common or green area to offset the buildings from Walter Martz?

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    Anne Topper over 4 years ago

    I oppose as well and agree with all of the previous comments. I am a resident on Wittingurg Drive. We were not notified of this and had to learn it from a friend, No one on our street was notified either. We attended that last meeting on this several years ago and it was approved to be condos and or Senior living. All of this has come with no notifications to adjoining residents. There is now also an intersection planned for our street which was never on any plans in the past. This should not be allowed as there is ample traffic flow from the main entrance on these plans at Meadow Lane and Walter Martz Rd. This side entrance (wittinburg dr ) will be a major blind spot for approaching the hill on the north part of Walter Martz Road which is already a narrow road with no should at all.

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    Kevin Coyle over 4 years ago

    Also a Tuscarora Creek resident. I have the same concerns as the previous commenters. I can also foresee an increase in crime in the area and lesser home values.

    Are the proposed apartments high end (luxury) apartments or low income apartments?
    What about the schools overcrowding?
    What considerations have been made in regards to traffic?
    Christopher’s Crossing through Clover Ridge is already seeing increased traffic, the speed limit is only 25mph and a-lot of residents are complaining about excessive speed, this will only increase with the influx of more people. Area is zoned for low density, it should remain that way.

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    Jenifer Rodriguez over 4 years ago

    As a resident of Tuscarora Creek, I oppose the building of such a large apartment complex near my and Cannon Bluff.

    Apartments will bring down our home values, the roads are not able to support a large influx of residents, and the schools are at max capacity as far as I understand. The biggest issue is the safety of our neighborhood as crime always goes up with apartments in close proximity and I doubt the police will increase much their presence here. Many residents of these neighborhoods chose this location for safety. There is not sufficient green space at these apartments for so many residents and a lot of its residents will be wandering though our neighborhoods.

    Again my primary concerns are safety and maintaining our home values. Can something at a smaller scale be presented such as condos or townhomes?

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    Evelien Josselin over 4 years ago

    I'm a Tuscarora Creek resident and agree with previous commenters. Current infrastructure does not support this large influx of people. The new school needs to be built first and the parking issues are already bad in this area.

    Additionally, while the clubhouse is helpful, I do not see sufficient recreation space for this many people in the current plan. The large influx will make Walter Martz even heavier with traffic and there isn't any room for kids to play. The connection of 40 to 15 needs more lanes, the intersection of Christopher's Crossing and Opossumtown Pike needs a traffic light and construction near the Preserve at Tuscarora Creek needs to be closer to completion prior to starting yet another project.

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    George Donigian over 4 years ago

    I'm a Tuscarora Creek resident and I agree with Ms. Carney's comment. The parking is insufficient due to the absolute lack of public transportation in the area. No more residences should be built until adequate infrastructure is in place. Christopher's Crossing needs to be widened to 4 lanes with the connection to 40 and the new Spring Run elementary and middle schools need to be coming online before we add more students and traffic to roads and schools that are already at or above capacity.

    I also think the push for condominiums over apartments has validity. Is there even a need for transient apartments in this area? Condos would provide longer-term stability and help ensure residents are more committed to the community.

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    Louise Carney over 4 years ago

    From Louise Carney, Tuscarora Creek:
    These units should not be apartments, but condominiums where the owner have incentive to treat the area with respect.
    Less than 2 parking spots per unit is not sufficient. Most units will have at least 2 cars since there is no public transportation in the area. Are visitor parking areas allocated? I can see the garages used as storage units and the car of that garage owner still occupying a parking spot.
    However, nothing should be approved until the schools near Christopher’s Crossing are built - even if that means 2025. Yellow Spring Elementary School is already overcrowded with the construction still happening in Tuscarora Creek on the west side of Walter Martz Rd, not to mention the townhomes and singles of the Preserve at Tuscarora Creek that will soon start construction a couple of hundred feet down Walter Martz Rd.