Meeting Time: April 14, 2021 at 9:00am EDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

III. Mayor's Office/Communications/Community Promotions 10.30 AM - 11.30 AM

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    John Fieseler almost 4 years ago

    John Fieseler, Visit Frederick, 151 S. East St.
    I am writing on behalf of Visit Frederick in support of the proposed Downtown Frederick Ambassador Program. As an organization that promotes Frederick as a visitor destination, we believe that the proposed program will improve the visitor experience in Downtown Frederick, Frederick County’s largest visitor attraction. We’ve observed ambassador programs, similar to the one proposed here, in many communities of all sizes, often implemented to augment municipal efforts in city beautification, security presence, human services outreach and visitor hospitality. These ambassadors are easily identifiable in friendly uniforms that convey a sense of welcome. I’ve experienced firsthand that a couple simply stopping to look at a map kiosk can prompt a uniformed ambassador to approach with a friendly smile and helpful information. The presence of ambassadors adds to a sense of security for visitors that aren’t familiar with a city to which they’ve travelled. We applaud the Downtown Frederick Partnership for pursuing this initiative to provide increased services, beyond what the City of Frederick is able to provide, with regard to beautification, cleanliness, security presence and additional hospitality services. The Downtown Frederick Partnership is uniquely suited to manage a successful ambassador program and to engage the many necessary partners. We respectfully request your support of the $150,000 request for the Downtown Frederick Ambassador Program.

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    Kate Layman almost 4 years ago

    Kate Layman, Frederick, MD
    I am writing to convey my support for the funding of the Ambassador Program in the amount of $150,000. I offer this support as a Frederick resident, commercial real estate professional serving Downtown Frederick and current Co-Chair of The Downtown Safety and Services Initiative (DSSI).
    DSSI gathered 80 citizens, business owners, service providers and public officials to offer their expertise with the goal of ensuring continued vibrancy of our downtown. That process presented difficult conversations in how best we could accomplish such a task. However, there was one recommendation that received universal support: The Ambassador Program. It addresses the goals of every special interest by providing:
    1.Expanded resources to welcome our visitors, engage our residents and serve as eyes and ears charged with promoting our city as a welcoming place to be. It raises our city to the ‘next level’ as a destination.
    2.Opportunities for job training and employment for those with lived experience, ensuring every member of our community is allowed the opportunity to contribute to its success.
    3.Trained individuals as ‘boots on the ground’ who can identify issues and quickly engage the appropriate services to provide support.
    4.Supplemental resources to keep the sidewalks clean and our downtown beautiful.
    5.Support for the tourism industry, ensuring those who visit have a positive experience and return often.
    6.Data metrics to monitor the success of the program, allowing for fluidity in operations as needs and opportunities shift over time.

    As a commercial real estate professional, I work with property owners who have invested significantly in downtown. Many of them are small business owners who depend on the sustained value of their investment. It is important to show them that our government understands the importance of maintaining a safe and welcoming environment in order for their investments to succeed. It is with that support that they will continue to consider Downtown Frederick as a business-friendly option and the Ambassador Program can be a shining example of this city’s “best in class” approach.
    The proposed funding from the city is 50% of what it will take to implement the program. However, with this significant show of support, there are private funding entities lined up to bridge the gap and fully fund the initiative. Another example of private and public entities joining together to make our city thrive!