Meeting Time: April 29, 2021 at 9:00am EDT
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Agenda Item

II. Capital Improvements Program 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

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    Joe Simon almost 4 years ago

    I am wondering what the status of the police headquarters project? There was funding in the CIP for FY 20 and I have seen no action on this very important project. It seems the City has the ideal property in Trinity school site. I also wonder how much this project cost has increase with the inaction on this important infrastructure item. The inflation with the current construction market may make this project cost substantially more than what was projected. Please provide a full update on this item with the timeline for when this project with get moving forward. The City owns the property at Trinity school and in my opinion with the study on this project is the best site of the ones that were studied. The city can get the most cost wise with this property especially with the current inflation in the commercial construction market.