Meeting Time: November 03, 2021 at 3:00pm EDT
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Agenda Item

1. Discussion of Terrace Lanes, 10-12 West College Terrace, Historic Preservation Overlay (HPO) Map Amendment.

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    Richard Strawder over 3 years ago

    Mayor and Board of aldermen, My name is Richard Strawder and I live on Manor Woods Rd. Frederick County. I am not a historian or architect, but after my military service and returning home in 1971 and being a very amateur photographer I took pictures of the Terrace Lanes building because it was so unique and nothing existed anywhere else that I could find (photo on file with HPC). I have kept the picture for the last 50 years and for that very reason I feel that is some history. The real issue here is the owners of the business have said they are going to shut down the business HPC overlay or not. I am the President of one of the senior leagues there with 104 USBC sanctioned members that love and need to bowl. I invite any of the city's staff to come to the location especially on a Tuesday afternoon just to see what goes on there. We have no options, because this is the only certified bowling alley in Frederick county. I would ask the city officials to meet with the owner and help us to come up with a solution to this big problem.