Meeting Time: November 30, 2022 at 3:00pm EST

Agenda Item

3. Discussion of Proposed Maintenance Standards for Rental Licensing

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    Peter Samuel over 2 years ago

    from Peter Samuel, downtown Frederick
    Most of the proposed Maintenance Standards are so vague they will require inspectors to make arbitrary judgment after arbitrary judgment as they tour rental properties. Often those judgments will be onerous to both the property owner and the renter. The result may be little expense for some properties, major expense for others. In most instances rental costs will increase. And at the margin owners will be incentivized to withdraw from renting to the detriment of both renters and owners.

    The discretion given to inspectors by vague standards lays the basis for favoritism and corruption.

    Where the Maintenance Standards are specific they are often extravagant and wasteful.
    1. 68F: Only the rich can afford 68F temperatures at all hours throughout the winter (I set my own thermostat at 64F and dial it lower at night or when I'm going out.)
    2. All windows to be operable: Most old housing in an era of central air has non-operable or painted-shut, caulked windows. And it doesn't harm residents. Such windows are less drafty.
    3. Passages and stairs to be lit 24/7: a waste of energy and money. Residents are capable of operating light switches to provide light when needed, and to turn the light off when it isn't needed.

    To the extent these kinds of provisions are really enforced they will increase friction between citizens and officials and make Frederick a bit less livable and definitely less affordable.