Meeting Time: November 29, 2023 at 3:00pm EST

Agenda Item

2. Continued Discussion of the City’s 2024 Maryland Legislative Session priorities

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    Carl Michael MOORE about 1 year ago

    Re: 204 Shannonbrook La. Frederick, MD 21702

    From: Tilghman Community Home Owners Association

    To whom it may concern,
    The Tilghman HOA wanted to comment on the recent addition of a ‘Sober House’ in our neighborhood. There are 44 homes in our community - squeezed between two cul-de-sacs with one way in and out. The recovery residence is located in the first cul-de-sac in the neighborhood with a single car garage and driveway which leaves the occupants with 3 parking spaces if you include the street. This house has anywhere between 6-8 rotating residence all driving their individual vehicles. The current set up at the house eliminates one of the garage space as it is being used for storage, which forces the occupants to park around an already crowded cul-de-sac. This leaves limited room for an emergency vehicle to safely pass in the event of an emergency. Not to mention this isn’t fair for the surrounding homeowners that have lived in the neighborhood for 20+ years to have to race home to find parking. We support recovery centers and believe everybody deserves a second chance, but this is a business running a short-term hotel in a residential area.
    In addition, the Presentation regarding Recovery Houses [dated November 29th] does not provide for notice to current residents, or the neighborhood HOA board, of the opening of a “Sober House” in the neighborhood. The house in question was recently rebuilt after a fire, sold and opened as a sober house with no notice to or input from residents. We feel that at least a public hearing and/or a letter to current residents, letting them know of the homeowner’s intentions is the right thing to do. It also avoids the rumors and speculation that occurs in a small neighborhood when several cars and individuals suddenly appear. The presentation - What is a Recovery Residence [pg 2 of 13] states that “no residential staff is present at any time,” we, the neighbors, have determined that there is a ‘house manager’ who is likely an owner’s representative and also, the presentation’s “Current Situation In Frederick” [pg 5 of 13] mentions ‘Existing’ and ‘Requested’ recovery/sober houses in Frederick. 204 Shannonbrook La. is not mentioned in this list.
    In conclusion, The Tilghman HOA Board through Jefferson Property Management has reached out to the owner of the house for clarification of their business as yet with no response.


    C. Michael Moore
    Tilghman HOA Board