Meeting Time: September 18, 2024 at 3:00pm EDT

Agenda Item

1. Discussion of the Residential Compost Pilot program, including options for moving forward.

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    Melissa Cooper 6 months ago

    Melissa Cooper and Dana Fikes. City of Frederick.
    Our household has been very impressed with the compost program. The service has been seamless and we have seen a large reduction in the trash we send to the dump. We continue to recommend and encourage friends and neighbors to sign up for the program. We have seen an increase of compost customers in our neighborhood since the beginning of the program. We sincerely hope that the city continues to offer this program which creates a real difference in the amount of trash created and dumped.

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    Patrice Gallagher 6 months ago

    As a resident of the City, I've participated since the beginning of the composting pilot and very much appreciate this service. It was easy to join and participate... Key City is very consistent with their pickup and drop off each week.
    I read the Executive Summary and concur with the reported benefits to the climate and local economy, and would add to those the benefit of producing compost from our organic waste that can then be used in our community. A Pay as You Throw option was noted in the Exec. Summary and I believe that would be a great program for the City to explore.
    I'm proud that the City of Frederick has undertaken the organics diversion pilot and hope it will continue. It's a worthwhile investment in so many ways.
    Thank you for considering my thoughts!

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    Christopher Kimberly 6 months ago

    Chris Kimberly, resident of Frederick, MD: I'm a strong proponent of this program for all the reasons outlined in the proposal. As a relatively new participant, I want to share that the initiation process and participation are straightforward and user friendly. It feels good to divert our food waste (which has been reduced as composting has made us more aware) from the landfill and to play a small role in reducing global warming. I urge the board to continue the composting program and to explore ways to make the cost of trash collection transparent to residents, so as to incentivize more thoughtful waste management practices at the household level. Thank you.