Meeting Time: October 18, 2021 at 6:00pm EDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

PC21-1166FSI, Final Site Plan, The Woods

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    Thomas Jones over 3 years ago

    My wife and I live at 301 Rockdale Ct. 21702 which backs up to the Woods. We have 2 questions related the Final Site Plan as well as a comment related to the Plan. Please respond to the questions one at a time.

    1) Will the sidewalk from Shookstown Road be lit?
    If so, please use ground lighting vs. pole lights to reduce the glare into adjacent properties.

    2) Will pole lights be used to light the private alley for Th-8 thru Th-11?
    If so, please position the lights so glare from the lights does not reflect into neighbors' properties.


    We do not want car headlights shining into our backyard as our house has many windows facing the backyard.
    We request an increased screen buffer to limit the headlight glare. After reviewing the planned buffer, it includes White Pines and other deciduous trees. The limited number of trees depicted on the plan will not prevent the passage of light as White Pines are not dense and the other trees will not block anything in the winter nor anything anytime once the trees mature.

    We recommend using Arborvitae and/ or other tall bushes or shrubs for the screen buffer.

    Thank you for giving us the opportunity to comment