Meeting Time: October 18, 2021 at 6:00pm EDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

PC21-1167FSCB, Combined Forest Plan, The Woods

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    Kelly Beach over 3 years ago

    We are very concerned about the proposed sidewalk that will become an unnecessary public thoroughfare that will only increase the amount of trash, empty bottles, cigarettes and drug paraphernalia that already litter our street and yard. What is the purpose of a sidewalk to nowhere other than to provide a walkway to those who will park on Shookstown Road. We are vehemently opposed to this project.

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    Thomas Jones over 3 years ago

    My wife and I live at 301 Rockdale Ct. 21702 which backs up to the Woods. We have 3 questions related the Combined Forest Plan. Please respond to the questions one at a time.

    1)What does removal of all existing forest mean?
    This was included as a Note under the chart listing all the specimen trees.

    2)Will underbrush be cleared to the property lines or only up to the building restriction lines?

    3) Will trees, not designated as specimen trees particularly ones within the areas between the property lines and the building restriction lines, be removed?

    It so, we request that trees and bushes within the areas between the property lines and the building restriction lines be preserved.

    Thank you for the opportunity to ask questions and comment.