Meeting Time: October 18, 2021 at 6:00pm EDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

PC21-1162FSI, Final Site Plan, The Junction at 511

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    Janna DiBiase over 3 years ago

    Janna, Frederick MD
    We have a few questions about this plan
    1- What is the plan for overflow parking suppose all 64 units has a car, there is only 45 parking spaces.
    2- What is the exterior appearance of the building? Materials? Colors? Will there be balcony for each apartment?
    3- 65 feet tall is going to overpower the neighborhood, it will not fit in the city's feel. The height should be reconsidered, max of 40 feet feels appropriate.
    4- Will the tenants be permitted to have pets?
    5- If this plan is approved, what actions will be taken to reduce the noise of the building process? We have people and animals who are sensitive to noise, this is our home.