Meeting Time: February 23, 2022 at 3:00pm EST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

1. Discussion on Christophers Crossing Background and History, Proposed Future Improvements, and Alternate Solution Plan to Improve Safety at Timber Grove Road

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    Michelle Concepcion about 3 years ago

    Thank you for listening to our concerns as residents that live in the neighborhood. I do not believe that we should be limited in how we access Christopher Crossing because you have made this road widely available to more people and then limit how the residents access the street. The all way stop will slow people down and you should make the street more accessible to pedestrians but not at the expense of removing the 4 way stop or only allowing right hand turns. I am currently making right and left hand turns off of Midsummer Drive and I have not had any issues with line of site from my neighbors trees or fence. If you are concerned about the speed install two speed cameras and a traffic circle. I am sure you can think of other solutions besides the ones proposed.

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    Caitlin Roy about 3 years ago

    I am writing to commend the City of Frederick for its decision to maintain the stop signs and current speed limit on Christopher's Crossing and Not Restricting left turns . This allows students going to and from school to be more safe , people walking their animals through out the neighborhood to be safe . Also drivers safety a priority. Thank you for listening

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    Kenneth Butcher about 3 years ago

    I am writing to commend the City of Frederick for its decision to maintain the stop signs and current speed limit on Christopher's Crossing. By making safety a high priority you will help save lives and help to ensure that our streets and crosswalks are safe. I encourage you to provide the police with additional resources so that they can maintain an adequate presence along this road to enforce speed limit and help ensure drivers yield to pedestrians. Thank you for listening.

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    Dan Plombon about 3 years ago

    Dan Plombon
    North Crossing resident since 1999
    Thank you to city officials for listening to the hundreds of community residents who voiced concerns over the original changes proposed for the intersection at Christopher's Crossing and Timber Grove Road. The revised plan is an excellent common-sense solution which will enhance safety for all.
    However, it is important to note that this roadway is well traveled at present and will continue to see more traffic as growth throughout the area continues in the future. Hopefully, the city will consider additional safety measures at other intersections and crosswalks where sight-lines for oncoming traffic remain poor. Additionally, a stronger/regular police presence would also help to discourage the continuous speeding which occurs on Christopher's Crossing.
    Thank you again for your willingness to listen and act in the best interests of the local community!

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    Pamela Aronow about 3 years ago

    Pamela Aronow
    Crosstimber Way
    North Crossing
    As a 20+ year resident of NC, I’ve enjoyed living in this community. To be completely honest, the original proposal had me so upset, I was ready to move.
    Instead of feeling defeated, I took action and hung signs and spoke with neighbors. Surprisingly, not ONE neighbor knew anything about the changes that were about to impact them.
    I wanted to express my deep gratitude to the Mayor, Alderwomen, Aldermen and other city officials who listened to the voices of the community.
    The new proposed changes will keep our children safer and that’s what is most important to me.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
    P.S. Unfortunately, childcare issues prevent me from attending this meeting in person:(

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    Niki Thrash about 3 years ago

    Thank you, elected officials - you listened, you heard our concerns and our neighborhood is safer because you did. We are so very grateful.

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    J Bowser about 3 years ago

    J Bowser, Crosstimber Way, North Crossing: Maintaining the 25 mph speed limit is the right choice here given the amount of pedestrian traffic and residential area that Christopher's Crossing runs through. Maintaining the 4 way stops also promotes safe pedestrian transit through our neighborhood, while also maintaining the efficiency provided by the bridge and new through intersections of Christopher's Crossing. The proposed pedestrian improvements of high visibility signage and additional concrete medians reiterate that this is a residential community, nested with parks and other recreational areas of a now relatively high traffic area, that must first and foremost yield to pedestrian right of way, rather than flow of traffic. I believe that the proposed solution is a great compromise. Thank you for taking the time to re-consider the changes.

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    William Forder about 3 years ago

    As a resident of North Crossing the proposed new changes to the intersection, Christopher’s Crossing and Timber Grove, would maintain the safety of the drivers and pedestrians in that area. Due to increase traffic the 4 way stop needs to remain so students waking to and from school would have a safe area to cross. Christopher’s Crossing was not designed to be a two lane road so maintaining the speed limit at 25 would at least be a step to keep the area crash free.

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    Cynthia Roy about 3 years ago

    Cynthia Roy, Midsummer Drive, North Crossing: Thank you for listening to our concerns about the changes that were to be made at the Christopher's Crossing and Timber Grove intersection. I support the decision to keep the 4-way stop, to not restrict left hand turns, to maintain a 25 mph speed limit, and to improve pedestrian safety. These proposed changes, as stated in the more recent press release, provide clear and safe access for all members of the community.

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    Darrell Roy about 3 years ago

    Darrell Roy, Midsummer Drive, North Crossing: I just wanted to thank everyone for listening to the citizens and residents of North Crossing, Willow Brook, Clover Ridge and others concerning the changes to the intersection at Christopher’s Crossing and Timber Grove Road. I fully support the recent changes that are being proposed as outlined in the recent press release. I’m thrilled that the existing 4-Way Stop and left turn permissions are going to remain in place and that there will be improvements made for pedestrians to cross the road at this intersection. The only thing I would suggest is to further enhance the signage at the other pedestrian crossings in the neighborhood. The crossings have already been improved, but the signage could be further enhanced at those crossings. Motorists often ignore pedestrians that are waiting to cross when they should be yielding to pedestrians and coming to a stop.