Meeting Time: March 23, 2022 at 3:00pm EDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

2. Discussion of proposed legislation regarding aldermanic liaisons to HPC, PC, ZBA

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    Marjorie Rosensweig almost 3 years ago

    During the 2021 Mayoral election, the issue of the City's ethics code and practice was discussed frequently among candidates and voters. Much attention was focused on the appropriate role for alderpersons who are appointed to various City boards and commissions--with particular attention paid to those bodies that weigh in on planning and development decisions. Several then candidates and now serving City leaders made a commitment to address ethical standards and problems, one that is exemplified when an aldermanic representatives votes at both the board/commission and Mayor/Board levels. It is extremely useful for aldermanic representatives to provide important input into the discussions and deliberations of advisory boards and commissions; however, it is not at all useful for said alderpersons to influence the decision or participate in the vote on any matter that will ultimately come before the Mayor and Board for action. I assert this from past experience as a member of several advisory boards and commissions to local and state governments. While I appreciated legislative representatives who endorsed their liaison role I was dismayed when others asserted their voting "authority" to unduly affect the advice we board members were appointed to provide to the government.
    Alderwoman Kuzemchak's proposed legislation re: aldermanic liaisons to the HPC, PC, and ZBA closes the door on the problems raised by the ability of these representatives to unduly influence advisory decisions and eliminates apparent or real conflicts of interest. In a straightforward manner, this proposal defines the appropriate role of alderpersons on the noted boards and commissions, confirming their important liaison role and assuring that they will "not attempt to influence the independent judgment..." of PC, HPC, and ZBA members. I strongly support this proposal.

    Marge Rosensweig
    Citizens Way