Meeting Time: March 21, 2022 at 6:00pm EDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

PC22-170PND, Master Plan, Dearbought

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    Tara PINTAR almost 3 years ago

    My name is Tara Pintar. I live at 1514 Trafalgar Ln in River Place. I live in a row of townhomes that backs up to the property. I can say I would far prefer a community park, as it would be an asset to the community. My biggest concern with this plan is preservation of the tree-line, the additional traffic that adding so many homes would cause, and the overall negative impact of a more dense neighborhood. I find it hard to believe there is not a better location for this project. I am also The BOD president for River Place. Many of our residents have similar concerns. The BOD has met with the developer, and they have been accommodating. So, if it must be built there, I feel the developer will continue to work with the neighboring communities to make it more palatable. Thank you.

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    Armando Tellez almost 3 years ago

    I lieve in 1721 Wheyfield Dr. I understand the appraoch to this land but I believe that this will have a completely negative impact to the community. Particularly becuase its at the most challenging area of the community to transit. As it is the townhomes in all sites of the intersection has close parking on the street. It will be too challenging to ease the traffic

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    Lee Babcock almost 3 years ago

    The uncontrolled intersection of Monocacy Blvd and Laurel Wood Way is already a hazard and will only get worse without a stop light, controlled intersection. To this point it remains a question as to why the Wormald Homes/River Place Public Offering Statement submitted to MD Secretary of State states in Appendix A: Legal Description "The applicant will pay $8000 as their proportionate share of constructing a new traffic light at Monocacy and Laurel Wood Way at the time of the first building permit application to the city, as based on a traffic mitigation agreement dated November 8, 2008 and recorded in Deed book 711T at Page 425 on November 14, 2008." Can we please answer why this traffic signal has not been constructed yet?

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    Jim Sniezek almost 3 years ago

    Jim Sniezek, Dearbought, Frederick MD

    What modifications will be made along Sebastian Blvd and Wheyfield Dr that may disrupt the thousands of dollars of plantings including mature trees? How many units are planned? How large are the units (bedroom number)? Will Wheyfield be widened? I am concerned about the potential for increased accidents in an area already prone to serious accidents (Sebastian and Rt 26).

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    Michele Phulsuksombati almost 3 years ago

    Hello, My name is Michele Phulsuksombati. I live in River Place (Wormald) which is next to the property that is being proposed. The builders came by to discuss the updated plan with our Board of Directors which has not been submitted to the county. The builders did scale back to 8 acres from 10acres, 176units and a buffering between River Place and senior living. My concern is what happens when the senior living is unable to fill 176units? I agreed with the comments below that it will definitely impact the community all around.

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    Lidia Miller almost 3 years ago

    My name is Lidia Miller, I am a Dearbought community homeowner. I believe the plan as proposed will negatively impact the community. Increased traffic, lack of parking, and the commercial look of the building does not fit with the esthetic of our neighborhood. The monthly rental fee of this project is lower than any others in the county which is a concern. The number of units proposed makes this the largest project of its kind in the county, which is also a concern to be placed in a small 11-acre lot on curvy over traveled narrow roads. There was no consideration given to the number of little kids in that area. As is, during rush hour times it takes long to get in and out of the community adding close to 200 additional homeowners will create a nightmare to an already busy entrance. As a city taxpayer I would like to think our input matters, regardless of the intention of these subsidized/affordable housing projects, Dearbought will be impacted one way or another, especially since the recommended rental costs are the lowest in the county. Thank you, Lidia

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    Donnie Barber almost 3 years ago

    My name is Donald Barber and I live in the Dearbought subdivision. I strongly believe the revision to the Dearbought Master Plan should be trashed. It was done in a sneaky back door way by our county executive. No one in our subdivision knew anything about this change till it was done. Adding insult to injury fro us tax payers is the fact it is not even a Maryland company doing this project. Some nights we already have 9 plus autos parked along Wheyfield Drive and Emory Street from the two Wormald subdivisions already built without adequate parking. This says a lot about the Frederick City planning commission. We already put up with speeders and parking issues in our subdivision. I have lived in Frederick County my entire adult life and have seen first hand how these subsidised/affordable housing has affected prices even when Jan Garner says it does not. I have called the City Case Planner Sherry Kelly several times and left a message on her voice mail. To date never a returned call.
    Thank You for your time and attention regarding this matter. Trash this revised Dearbought Master Plan !!!