Meeting Time: April 06, 2022 at 7:00pm EDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

IV. Public Comments

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    cathy anderson almost 3 years ago

    I'm not sure if this belongs here.
    But since you're talking about Salaries and Benefits—

    Allen Etzler has been "promoted" to Communications Manager without a public announcement shared with the community.

    Why is this? Did you just put another hat on his head? Give him more responsibility to avoid real investment in the Communications Department? Set us up for failure, again? Do his duties include a Communications and Emergency Plan?

    A recent email from Allen regarding the state of the NACs and the continuation of the Planning Department's "informal sessions" is SO disheartening. Everything is STILL "wait—we're working on it—it takes time."

    How long? How long do we wait for communications to be a VALUED priority? When will an adequately trained and skilled communications staff be valuable to you?

    There's plenty of time (and money) available for slick proclamation and announcement videos. The City has no problem "borrowing" creative work from the community without acknowledgment or reimbursement.

    But yet, there's always enough money to add another staff member to the Mayor's Office. This time a paralegal. Why don't the Aldermen get communications support? When do they get a dedicated staff member to help with community communications?

    There has been a 74% increase in salaries in the Mayor's Office since 2016.

    What are we getting for all this staff?

    I believe part of the 2016 Mayor's Office salaries included our Communications/Public Information Manager. So the 74% increase is even bleaker because it contains no communications staff.

    2016 Mayors Office salaries $295,202 - 65k ( I believe that was Pattie's salary) = $230,202 in 2016.

    That is a 123% increase in spending on wages in the Mayor's office since Mr. O'Connor took office!

    Planning Department has about a 50% increase, and the Police Department has a 30% increase.

    The current approach to communications is not proactive, "engaging," or "equitable ." These actions (or continued delay of real change and investment) are disrespectful, disingenuous, and indifferent to serving the residents of this City. Again, do better.