Meeting Time: May 02, 2022 at 7:00pm EDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

III. Public Comments

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    Jennifer Kunze almost 3 years ago

    Dear Mayor and Board of Aldermen,

    As individuals and organizations concerned about safety surrounding Area B and Christopher's Crossing, we ask that you amend the Capital Improvements Program to ensure that no funding is budgeted toward constructing Christopher's Crossing through Area B, now or in the future. Please make the appropriate amendments to this year's Capital Improvement Plan, and move forward with the related, positive projects discussed in the 2020 Comprehensive Plan: consideration and design of alternative routes for Christopher's Crossing in the area as outlined in the Transportation chapter, and other land use and safety measures as described in ES Policy #3 Implementation #4.

    Thank you,

    Clean Water Action; Jennifer Kunze, Maryland Coordinator
    Containment Lab Community Advisory Committee; Dr. Matt Sharkey, Chair
    Climate Change Working Group of Frederick County; Karen Russell, Founder
    Jen Hahn, Restoration Advisory Board member
    Betty Law, Restoration Advisory Board member
    Bobbi Huber
    Susan Hanson & John Hanson