Meeting Time: May 10, 2022 at 7:00pm EDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

III. Public Comments

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    Jose Gutierrez almost 3 years ago

    Good evening. My name is José Gutiérrez, and I am in support of City's proposed funding of at least $7.5 million for a community center and a library at the West Regional Park.

    I attended school in Frederick, MD and for a very long time, I did not know that a County Library was located in Downtown Frederick. But after I found out through my English as a Second Language teachers, the county library was not accessible to me as I lived in the Waverley neighborhood. I did not have transportation, so it was extremely difficult to me to have access to information available at the library. Information that otherwise would have been available to me if a library would have been closer to my neighborhood. I now know the importance of having access to information and having a community center available to people because it builds our future. It helps us gain knowledge and knowledge is power.

    I am advocating for this proposal because it will have a positive impact on our communities and will bring positive outcomes. Building a community center along West Regional Park will be especially beneficial to Hillcrest, Butterfly Ridge and Waverley students. Many immigrants and low-income families live in these areas and are in need of the center. I hope that you read my comment and take into consideration because we all benefit when we have empowered communities.

    Thank you so much.
    José Gutiérrez

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    Nitza Rivas almost 3 years ago

    Good afternoon. My name is Nitza Rivas and I have lived in the West Frederick area for 26 years. I agree with the over $7.5 million proposal to build a community center and library on the Westside Regional Park near Butterfly Lane. This would be of great benefit to all of our community, but above all to our low-income community. Thank you for taking the time to read my message.

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    Lissette Colon almost 3 years ago

    Good afternoon, my name is Lissette Colón and I live in the western side of Frederick. I am the Administrator of a Facebook Group called Frederick Informando (Informing Frederick), with nearly 1,500 members, comprised of primarily immigrant parents (most of them mothers) who do not speak the English languange. Our main and sole purpose is to inform our beautiful Frederick community of resources and happenings related to education for both young and old(er). I am writting to you with much hope and enthusiasm as you consider the use of at least 7.5M for a much needed Community Center, which can also hopefully house a much needed Library on this side of town.
    Our community currently relies solely on the ocassional after school engagements offered by the school system for enriching, extracurricular opportunities, which are usually free. Our community, for the most part, being financially under the poverty lines, cannot afford to put their kids in programs that cost a lot of money. We are severely lacking opportunities for expanding knowledge, developing a talent, and gathering as a community. Even if some of us can afford to enroll our children in extra curriculars, we would need to travel to get to those places outside the western part of the community. A Community Center along with a library in the Regional Western Park would solve these barriers of access, transportation and inability to assemble as a community. You may wonder why we are so concerned about the library and community center issue. It is because our community is different. Whereas other communities in the county may see the library as one of many option to enjoy for their kids or even for themselves, we see it as one of our only possibilities to do something fun, educational and different from our everyday. It is crucial to have a community center and to seriously consider adding the library for the West End in the West Regional Park. We also hope this process of figuring out what is best for the West Regional park is a great example of equitability and seen as an opportunity to engage the community in a project that does not come often to our side of town. I greatly appreciate you reading this comment and hope that you will approve at least the 7.5 million for this amazing proposal. THANK YOU KINDLY! -Liss

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    Margarita Gallegos almost 3 years ago

    Buenas tardes mi nombre es Margarita Gallegos, vivo en Frederick. Estoy en favor de presupuestar un mínimo de 7.5 millones a un centro comunitario en el Parque Regional Oeste. Para mi es el lugar más indicado para tener una biblioteca y centro comunitario juntos. Es una area muy transitado y bien conocido y familiar como una corazón de la comunidad. Muchos de nosotros de la comunidad Hispano no llegamos mucho al Centro porque no nos sentimos cómodo. Merecemos tener estos recursos público maravillosos accesible y visibles. Mi hija le gusta leer y siempre anda con la mochila llena de libros. Tengo sueño del día cuando ella y yo vayamos juntos a pasar tiempo allí, ella en la biblioteca y yo al Centro Comunitario en una clase para aprender inglés. Tener las dos juntas sería mi sueño hecho en realidad. Y ustedes serían nuestros heroes. Gracias por escucharme.

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    William Reid almost 3 years ago

    My name is William Reid and I reside: Willowdale Drive, Frederick, MD 21702.

    I stand in support of the City Board of Aldermen’s proposal to budget $7.5 million for a community center at Westside regional Park that could be potentially co-located with a library. This proposal is the right and best for the Hillcrest, Waverley and Butterfly Ridge students and parents. These schools are designated as title I and are (or soon to be) community schools, and a community center and Library are most needed at this site.

    This community deserves and wants easier access to a safe location where everyone will have services in their own neighborhood. I stand with this community and advocate for $7.5 million budget for the community center and propose library .

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    Sebastian Brown almost 3 years ago

    Hello, my name is Sebastian Brown and I live on the Western edge of downtown Frederick. I'm in favor of the City's proposed funding of at least $7.5 million for a community center at Westside Regional Park.

    I'm two blocks from Baker Park, where my wife and now our 5 month old baby girl Ida walk our dog multiple times a day. Before recently going part time as a Children's Librarian at a different FCPL branch, my wife was at C Burr Artz, walking to and from work everyday along the winding Carrol Creek. Was often her favorite, most relaxing part of the day! And then in the summers we've loved dipping in the City pool on our way to a Sunday concert in the Park. Honestly, the County's and City's beautiful public spaces and amenities downtown are a big part of why we moved to Frederick (originally from Silver Spring) three years ago, and what make life really sweet here.

    That's why we are so excited about the City's proposal to finally bring similar public amenities to a part of town that is too often neglected and ignored. Having a community center, that could then be co-located with a County library would create a community hub in an area of West Frederick that is becoming a social center of the community. Thanks to the progress our Mayor has made on building out Westside Regional Park --Sophie & Madigan's playground, road access, play fields...etc-- and its proximity to the beautiful County-built Butterfly Elementary school, this area is a well known, visible heart of the community. Particularly for those in the Latino immigrant community who feel less comfortable and less welcome downtown, the area around Butterfly feels like a place they belong.

    We hope that the City would offer as much acreage as possible for both their own Community Center as well as for a potential County Library, and that it would collaborate closely with the County. At the County forum last week, two dozen community members, mostly immigrant mothers with children in hand, expressed concern about the inaccessibility and remoteness of 800 Oak Street, but were excited by the prospect of a project at Westside Regional Park.

    Accessibility and pedestrian safety concerns would still need to be addressed for folks on the other side of 40 in the Key Parkway community around Waverley. But with creative thinking (pedestrian bridge/crossway over 40) and transparent public input, I know we can find a way to bring the amazing public experience of Downtown, to those who live on the West end.
