Meeting Time: September 13, 2023 at 3:00pm EDT

Agenda Item

V. Elected Officials’ Comments It is the policy of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen to permit public comment following each workshop item, limited to five (5) minutes per person or ten (10) minutes per group. Comments may also be provided prior to the meeting through the Granicus e-comment feature on the City website.

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    Kevin Sellner over 1 year ago

    For the MPDU ordinance Sec. 19-6.1. Payment in lieu of building MPDUs(b), I encourage use of the County's data, affordability gap estimate, and its $2/sf for the MPDU PIL. This can be amended once the City-specific data are collected, likely several years in the future so we should not delay waiting for those data. MPDUs must be built and higher PILs will increase the funds for gap funding and actual MPDU construction. Kevin Sellner, E. 5th Street, Frederick