Meeting Time: July 10, 2024 at 3:00pm EDT

Agenda Item

1. Update on the Downtown Hotel and Conference Center Project

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    James Schmersahl 8 months ago

    Public Comment to the Mayor and Aldermen
    July 10 ,2024
    I plan to attend the workshop concerning the Hotel /Conference Center today and offer this comment beforehand . It is just indirectly related but of importance.
    Attracting visitors is a long held goal of the City and the hotel conference center a long anticipated component of the strategy to do just that . There has been substantial investment made so that we put our best face forward and created a positive impression for those visitors.
    But today I noticed something that does not place us in the most attractive light. Our sidewalks in the core are exceedingly grimy. This morning, I was walking on the east side of Market St from my house to the pharmacy and saw large stains every few feet. I know you fund the Downtown Frederick Partnership’s Ambassadors program. They do a good job with debris and litter and on occasion do power wash downtown sidewalks.
    So, my first suggestion is that a concerted effort be made to wipe out stains once again .
    To me the larger question is this; should property owners not have some responsibility? The City Code compels them to keep sidewalks in good repair and free of snow. I do not think it unreasonable to require the owner to keep the sidewalk clean and free of stains.
    So, my second suggestion is to consider changes to the City Code that place some burden on the adjacent owners.
    To me the first step is to research where it is being done by others. ( I understand you now have an “in” at MML so they could do some of that for you ) .
    If compelling clean, stain free sidewalks cannot be required then voluntary cleanup can certainly be encouraged. There are a few notorious places where waste bins are set out and grease builds up.
    So my third suggestion is to research ecologically sound best practices and put those on the web page for owners to use to clean up the mess they create .
    I realize this small concern is nothing compared to the big issues you will be discussing at workshop . But it is still important to me and I presume others who wish to keep our city beautiful .
    Jim Schmersahl