Meeting Time: February 20, 2024 at 6:00pm EST

Agenda Item

PC24-74FSI, Final Site Plan, Yellow Springs Elementary School

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    D Howe 8 months ago

    David Howe, Tuscarora Creek, Frederick

    There has to be a better solution than routing school traffic through Spring Run Drive / Circle. An influx of 250 more vehicles twice a day is an incredible disruption to the neighborhood and not even remotely reasonable. It will make it nearly impossible for people who live in the neighborhood to come and go during school start and end times. Also, parking is already problematic and I expect parents, looking to avoid the wait, will take up parking spaces in the neighborhood to wait for their child and avoid the line. I’m disappointed in the planners behind this proposed entrance. It shouldn’t require pushback from the community to realize this is a bad plan.

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    Jenifer Rodriguez 8 months ago

    Jenifer Rodriguez, Tuscarora Creek, Frederick, MD

    As a parent I like the idea of an entrance to the school for cars to be from Spring Run Drive as it will be almost exclusively school traffic and is a shorter distance from my home.

    As a driver, I think this is a bad idea because the traffic circle already gets backed up in the afternoons since the placement of the stop sign on Walter Martz. Having traffic stopping in this location will be a huge hassle to get onto Christopher's crossing. I know many neighbors have these and other concerns.

    Could we compromise? Have a walking path off Spring Run Drive and a car entrance near the proposed bus entrance from Chris X?

    Thank you.