Meeting Time: March 18, 2024 at 6:00pm EDT

Agenda Item

PC24-81PFCP, Preliminary Forest Conservation Plan, Westridge Square

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    Ike Wilson Jr 12 months ago

    Ike Wilson Jr., Key Parkway, Frederick, MD

    In regards to the tentative demolition of Westridge Square, I feel that westridge provided and continues to provide Route 40 with a communal place for the community to shop a variety of storefronts catered to the blend of cultures of the area. Replacing it with solely residential properties takes away from the already limited shopping and social options of route 40. If anything, it would be nice if the rebuilding is a combination of commercial and residential; with the base floor level being shops and stores, and the levels above it being residential properties. Community members have always critiqued how we would like more shopping and social options being that route 40 is already a very residential area.

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    Kiki Wilson 12 months ago

    I can speak for the majority of the west side in saying that we, collectively, do not want this plan to proceed. The housing on 40 has reached its breaking point within city limits as congestion, crowding, saturation, and lack of traffic control and pedestrian safety are concerning alarms for pause — or full on stop. With the implementation of this plan, please consider the sustainability and long term vision facets and dimensions such as traffic design, road infrastructure, pedestrian alleviations like a bridge or walkway, etc . We’re bursting at the seams with growth. As a native Fredericktonian, I welcome those who see the city as their new home, but let’s do it strategically and with community input.

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    Shaquill McCullers 12 months ago

    Frederick, MD - With all of the explosive growth Frederick has already seen in recent years, it would be more beneficial to have more schools to support the higher population, more local businesses to support local economy, and more entertainment spaces.