Meeting Time: August 19, 2024 at 6:00pm EDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

PC24-662MU, Master Plan, Frederick Health Village

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    Ro Monaco 7 months ago

    What stress will this new mixed use development have on our police, fire and ambulance services? Over the past 10 years our population have increased significantly (approximately 30k). The planning board,Mayor and Aldermen should consider
    the emergency services and how the increased traffic will slow down the access of these services to the existing community.
    Thank you

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    John Diamond 7 months ago

    Major concerns. The area is already overly congested beyond belief, and adding more residences is patently outrageous and pure greed. Needs to stop!!

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    Allison Rizzo 7 months ago

    Allison Rizzo, NAC 4 Coordinator, Dearbought resident, Frederick, MD.
    Significant resident concerns in the NAC 4 area about the initial request to change the master plan for Frederick Health Village location to include a large number of new residences. This is a drastic change in Master Plan. It is not supported by local residents. Much more community outreach is requested before any movement on this action or any approvals are granted. Thank you.