Meeting Time: November 18, 2024 at 6:00pm EST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

PC24-935FSI, Final Site Plan, Wawa Monocacy Center

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    Madison Antus 4 months ago

    I live in Waterside, and have concerns about a Wawa in the proposed location. It is a very congested area already, with people not abiding by the posted speed limit. The Walmart traffic is always backed up, and often dangerous. There are multiple gas stations within driving range of the proposed site (Exxon on 26 and Sheetz by the hotel further down monocacy). I think building a wawa here is going to make a small street even more crowded and potentially dangerous for drivers and pedestrians. -Madison antus, 8002 Reed Court, Frederick Md

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    Allison Rizzo 4 months ago

    Significant concerns about a gas station at this location were raised at the recent NAC 4 meeting by residents who live along Monocacy Blvd and in local neighborhoods. It was never understood to be part of the plan for development in this area. Significant noise and traffic and light and health and safety concerns exist. Additional presentation and proposal discussion is requested with NAC 4 residents. Thank you - Allison Rizzo, NAC 4 Coordinator and Dearbought resident.