Meeting Time: January 20, 2022 at 7:00pm EST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

IX. PUBLIC COMMENTS This is an opportunity for members of the public to address the Mayor and Aldermen regarding items that may or may not appear on the Agenda. Please note speakers should first give their name and address. You are reminded that these proceedings are broadcast on live TV and you should speak clearly. All comments are limited to a total of five minutes per individual. Comments can be provided through the e-comments feature on the City website prior to the meeting, or by calling 301-600-1213 during the meeting.

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    Alyssa Crouse about 3 years ago

    My parents live off Timber Grove and watch my son daily. This would ultimately impact our family when my husband has to come to and from. Without the left turn, we would lose direct access to Rt. 15 and my husband's work. I believe more traffic control is needed and support comments regarding a simple do not block intersection sign. I feel these would be better solutions than eliminating a left turn altogether.

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    Nora Will about 3 years ago

    Nora Will

    I live on Timber Grove Rd - evidently on the "wrong side of the street" since plans are to prohibit a left turn onto Christophers Crossing.. I stand in strong support of the safety concerns and statements made by my neighbors in the North Crossing and Willow Brook communities. I implore the city to consider all remarks in an open and transparent manner that gives due process to all. These concerns involve more than convenience, they bear upon the enjoyment of our property and the right to have a say in something that will clearly diminish our property values. Most important are the serious safety issues that will impact us all, especially walkers including many children in the area who attend Monocacy elementary & middle schools. Forcing people to exit North Crossing via McLellan Drive will also seriously impact the safety of students attending St. John's. I am confident we can have a constructive dialogue and find solutions that we can all live with if members of this community are given an opportunity to review the relevant documents that brought about this plan and discuss in an open forum other options that are safe and workable.

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    Monica FooteKarczmarek about 3 years ago

    Monica Karczmarek.....I am a resident of North Crossing. I agree with all of the comments listed. I do not want the 4-way stop at Timber Grove Road and Christopher's Crossing to be removed and I certainly do not want to have the left turn and through traffic restriction applied to Timber Grove Road. We are losing are ability to access Rt15 and Thomas Johnson Drive where all of my doctors are located which I need to access frequently. I do not want to have to drive a detour route in order to gain access to something I should already have. You are decreasing the value of our homes by implementing this change. A better solution would be to post do not block intersection signs along Christopher's Crossing so side street traffic can make appropriate turns. We need MORE traffic control along Christopher's Crossing NOT LESS.

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    Daniel Vanaman about 3 years ago

    I agree with all the previous points and, so I won't rehash them. We North Crossing residents are unhappy with the proposed traffic changes to Christopher’s Crossing at the Timber Grove Road intersection, the continued speeding that is getting worse as time goes by, on the section of road between TJ Drive and Opossumtown Pike and the dangers that the proposed changes pose to the residents that use this road and sidewalks on a daily basis, so I wanted to point out a few other issues that this will likely exacerbate along this section of road.

    I live at the corner of Christopher’s Crossing and McClellan Drive main thing that has me very concerned, that I think may have been overlooked, is the fact this change at Timber Grove Road will cause folks to have to go through the development and then come down McClellan Drive to get to Christopher’s Crossing if they want to go east towards the shopping centers off of Rte 26 or access Rte 15. This is already a dangerous intersection that has had quite few accidents, since the bridge was opened. The traffic will just continue getting heavier at this intersection as more houses are built farther up Christopher’s Crossing and amplify the likely of accidents in the future.

    The intersection at McClellan Dr is dangerous, because of a blind hump before the bridge that crosses over the wetland, the speeding cars coming down from the Rte 15 interchange and trees that were planted in the median that have low foliage, which makes it difficult to see traffic that is heading west as you turn left onto McClellan, like other blind spots on this road that make the speeding more dangerous.

    I’ve sent multiple letters to the FPD, Mayor’s office, and a few of the aldermen and the FPD takes interest for a bit, but there seems to be a lot of reshuffles of personnel, and it gets forgotten and then the patrols fade, the speed boxes are moved to other streets and the speeding comes back.

    Other issues I see that may not be mentioned in other comments is the flow of construction traffic to new developments being built, dump trucks using jake brakes through our community, and speeding by these large trucks. Removing the stop signs will just give them a straight through racetrack to the stop light at Opposumtown Pike and as we all know traffic lights often times increase speed near the intersections as folks try to race to beat the traffic light. It happens all the time with traffic heading east toward the TJ Drive traffic light.

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    Steve Lombardi about 3 years ago

    I agree with all the comments above

    As reasonable persons,
    I'm asking you to:

    *Leave the 4-way stop the way it is.

    *Keep the speed limit at 25 mph

    Reasons why:

    (1) Cars are already speeding too fast on that road (Christopher's Crossing). The 4-way stop is the only thing the slows the traffic.

    (2) Those neighborhoods will be at higher risk in emergency situation that require exiting quickly, as the proposed change will trap the adjoining streets and residents, limiting escape routes.

    (3) Many road and route accommodations have been made to allow Fort Detick pesonnel the means of emergency egress. Please afford the residents the same allowances. Do not raise their risk.

    (4) The increased traffic effects on Thomas Johnson Drive, Byte Drive, and Hayard Road, as a result of forced traffic re-routing due to your plan, will be significant.


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    Jeff Robertson about 3 years ago

    As a life-long Frederick County resident and 23+ year city resident, I have owned and lived in both Willowbrook and North Crossing. I welcomed the construction of the bridge and use it daily. I request your reversal of a recent change-order request to alter the current 4-way stop sign controlled intersection of Christopher's Crossing and Timber Grove Road.

    I find it appalling that no public notice was provided for this detrimental change to our community. Additionally, the approval to implement these changes appears to be based upon nothing more than sketches superimposed over aerial imagery. Where are the plans and formal traffic impact studies? Where, in the city of Frederick, and in a residential neighborhood does a similar intersection exist? Have the Mayor and Aldermen reviewed engineered plans and studies? Certainly a private developer would not be able to proceed with such work without a thorough review process and just as importantly, a process involving community notice for input. This is not the development of private property. It is a public change to an entire community and a poorly conceived one at that.

    Obviously the City believed four stops signs were necessary many years ago when this controlled intersection was implemented. How has that same City now concluded that the stop signs are no longer necessary? Traffic in this neighborhood will only increase as this road continues to extend and funnel more vehicles through the northern part of the city.

    As I understand it, members of our community have been expressing concerns about this road (Christopher's Crossing) for a number of years and they have been largely ignored. This administration has an obligation to listen to its constituents and an opportunity to improve pedestrian and traffic safety in our neighborhood. While you're at it give some consideration to bicycle travel / safety as well. Rather than jamming four lanes of traffic where only two were originally constructed, perhaps a dedicated bike lane should be considered. This would certainly help create the safest bicycle crossing of Route 15.

    I look forward to tonight's meeting and trust you will pause this implementation effort and consider creating safer access through our community. Thank you.

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    Chuck Hough about 3 years ago

    By know you have all heard from dozens of residents of North Crossing regarding the dramatic changes that are planned for the Timber Grove Road and Christopher’s Crossing intersections.

    I wish to address specifically the planned removal of the existing (for 20+ years) ALL WAY STOP and the planned NO LEFT TURN restriction from either side of Timber Grove Road.

    From public information documents obtained from the City of Frederick, keeping the intersection as it currently exists (for 20+ years) does not meet a MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) Warrant. A MUTCD Warrant based upon a traffic study performed in the midst of the SARS CoV-2 (COVID) pandemic, I will add.

    Let’s take a look at just what the MUTCD actually says. At the very beginning of the MUTCD, on page 4, can be found this statement:

    Section 1A.09 Engineering Study and Engineering Judgment
    01 Definitions of an engineering study and engineering judgment are contained in Section 1A.13.

    02 This Manual describes the application of traffic control devices, but shall not be a legal requirement for their installation.


    The MUTCD further clarifies:

    03 The decision to use a particular device at a particular location should be made on the basis of either an
    engineering study or the application of engineering judgment. Thus, while this Manual provides Standards, Guidance, and Options for design and applications of traffic control devices, this Manual should not be considered a substitute for engineering judgment. Engineering judgment should be exercised in the selection and application of traffic control devices, as well as in the location and design of roads and streets that the devices complement.

    The State of Maryland MUTCD also has similar language

    Section 1A.09 Engineering Study and Engineering Judgment
    02 This Manual describes the application of traffic control devices, but shall not be a legal requirement for their installation.
    03 The decision to use a particular device at a particular location should be made on the basis of either an
    engineering study or the application of engineering judgment.
    04 When an engineering study or the application of engineering judgment determines that unusual site-specific conditions at a particular location make compliance with a Standard statement in this Manual impossible or impractical, an agency may deviate from that Standard statement at that location.

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    Laurie Boyer about 3 years ago

    Dear Mayor O’Connor, Alderwomen and Aldermen: (PAGE 1 OF 2)

    My name is Laurie Boyer and I am a homeowner in the North Crossing subdivision in Frederick. I recently wrote you regarding the changes at Opossumtown Pike and Christopher’s Crossing that will affect the intersection at Timber Grove and Christopher’s Crossing. As I mentioned before, these changes will cause problems for many of us in the North Crossing and Willowbrook subdivisions. The stop signs will be removed from Christopher’s Crossing at Timber Grove and there will be “No Left Turn” and “No Through Traffic” signs posted. I’d like to highlight the problems these actions will cause.

    • By not allowing left turns from Timber Grove onto Christopher’s Crossing, it effectively removes our neighborhoods’ convenient access to Route 15 and Thomas Johnson Drive businesses. Please look at a map here:,+Frederick,+MD+21702/@39.4618199,-77.4178489,15.41z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x89c9c52d63e3207b:0x30f72998c7e3c65!8m2!3d39.4614605!4d-77.4131127. Do you see a way to access 15 and Thomas Johnson Drive without driving through other neighborhoods, making unusual U-turns, or driving an additional 3 to 5 miles?
    • By removing access to 15 and Thomas Johnson, it reduces the livability and value of our homes. For example, we will no longer be able to say, “Easy access to 15” in a real estate listing.
    • School buses, delivery trucks, and other large vehicles will have to travel through neighborhoods to access Christopher’s Crossing and 15.
    • Although stop signs are not supposed to be used to control traffic speed, they are to be used to control traffic flow. Removal of the stop signs will encourage vehicles to increase their speed through our neighborhood to, for example, “make the green light” at Opossumtown.
    • Removal of the stop signs will decrease safety for our pedestrians – especially the school children that walk to school each day. There are approximately 30 to 50 children that cross the street every school day at Christopher’s Crossing and Timber Grove Road.


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    Tama Plombon about 3 years ago

    As a resident of North Crossing, I'm alarmed by the prospect of increased speed and the removal of the 4-way stop sign at the intersection of Christopher's Crossing and Timber Grove Rd. In addition, if the left hand turn option from Timber Grove Rd to Christopher's Crossing is eliminated, residents will no longer be able to directly access highway 15 or many local roads near our homes. The residents of North Crossing waited over 20 years for direct access to the highway and our local businesses. Furthermore, if these changes are made, it places danger to the residents (especially children) since traffic will be forced to flow through areas with winding narrow roads not built to accommodate major traffic. Also, as Family Child Care business owner and pet owner, I'm worried about the possibility of speed limit increases! Not only do vehicles already travel at alarming rates on Christopher's Crossing, many choose not to stop at marked intersections. The road is narrow, curvy, and has inadequate sidewalks with no grass median. Allowing higher speeds is detrimental to students walking to/from school, waiting at a bus stop, children playing, and residents who enjoy daily exercise. Please consider more input from our community before making any changes.

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    Susan Coughlin about 3 years ago

    As a 21 year resident of Willowbrook in the City of Frederick, I would like to express my concern about the proposed traffic pattern and speed limit changes on Christopher's Crossing in the North Crossing development. As you know, stop signs help reduce the speed of drivers to ensure the safety of pedestrians and drivers alike. This road doesn't just run along side of the neighborhood (like Monocacy Blvd with Worman's Mill), it runs through it. Children are crossing the street at all hours of the day, but especially before and after school to WALK to and from school. Increasing the speed and removing stop signs only helps the Frederick County residents driving through the neighborhood, not the actual residents of our neighborhood. So many of those drivers are coming off of Route 15 driving well over 55 MPH so slowing down to 25 MPH isn't easy. Stop signs are the only way to ensure cars don't drive at unsafe speeds. The proposed traffic pattern changes will be a complete waste of time, MONEY and effort on the part of the City and are absolutely unnecessary and unsafe - Please, just leave it alone

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    Jessica McLeod about 3 years ago

    As a resident of North Crossing I am extremely disappointed that the city continues to move forward with the proposal to remove the stop sign at the intersection of Timber Grove Rd/Christophers Crossing and increase the speed limit. The cars traveling on Christopher Crossing are frequently traveling in excess of posted speed limits and barely stop for the current stop sign. I witness the unsafe driving practices on this road daily as I stand with my children at the bus stop. I no longer feel safe walking my dogs or taking my children for a bike ride down Christopher Crossing due to the proximity of the sidewalk to the speeding traffic. The middle schoolers in our neighborhood are zoned as walkers and must cross the street, many of whom do so at this stop sign for safety. The proposed crosswalk “upgrades” do nothing to reduce speed in an area with already diminished sight lines. Additionally, the no left turns at this intersection will negatively impact the routes my family takes to exit our neighborhood and take away the one benefit we receive from the new roadways and increased traffic in our backyard (literally). I ask that you RECONSIDER these changes and CONSIDER our neighborhood!!

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    Darrell Roy about 3 years ago

    It has recently come to my attention of the proposed changes to the intersection at Christopher’s Crossing & Timber Grove Rd in North Crossing. The changes that are proposed for Christopher’s Crossing & Timber Grove Rd will have a direct impact on the quality of life for every resident of North Crossing and the adjacent Willow Brook.

    Why are we losing left turn access from Timber Grove Rd onto Christopher’s Crossing on both north and south sides of the road? What is the reasoning behind this? The majority of people that live on Midsummer Dr go to the 4-way stop in order to make a left-hand turn onto Christopher’s Crossing. A left-hand turn at the east end of Midsummer Dr is dangerous with very limited sightlines.

    Why is the 4-way stop sign being removed from the intersection? Removing the stop signs will make turns from Timber Grove Rd dangerous in any direction.

    Why is the speed limit being increased? How does increasing the speed limit improve pedestrian safety? The lanes in North Crossing are not as wide as on Monocacy Blvd or in the Clover Ridge neighborhood. There are also poor sight lines due to turns and changing elevations that make visibility already difficult.

    As a resident of the neighborhood and frequent pedestrian it is already difficult to cross Christopher’s Crossing to get to the other side of the neighborhood. Most of the automobile traffic on Christopher’s Crossing just ignores pedestrians that are waiting to cross at designated crossings. They do not respect that they, by law, are supposed to yield to pedestrians.

    It seems like the powers that be are trying to fix something that isn’t broken. The studies that may have been done do not tell the true story. Unless you are a resident in the neighborhood you would not know the impact these changes and disruptions in our lives that they are going to make. The people that live in the single-family homes in North Crossing on the north side of Christopher’s Crossing are basically being cut-off from their only exit from their side of the neighborhood. They would be forced to go through the adjoining neighborhood of Willow Brook to exit in any meaningful manner. Those streets are not designed to handle that much traffic.

    Please do the right thing and reverse this proposal. Thank you.

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    Cynthia Roy about 3 years ago

    I am a resident of North Crossing Neighborhood (Midsummer Drive) and I am requesting that the city and engineers reconsider their decisions to remove the 4-way traffic stop at the intersection of Timber Grove Road and Christopher's Crossing, including the removal of left-turn access at this location. The decisions to increase speed limits, force dangerous alternative left-turns, and remove equal access for all residents without public notice or opinion has and will continue to adversely affect the residents of this city neighborhood. I respectfully ask that the city and its planners listen carefully to the concerns of the residents of both North Crossing and Willow Brook as they are presented.

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    Niki Thrash about 3 years ago

    I am a resident of North Crossing and I would like to request that the project that will take away the four way stop and prohibit left turns at Timber Grove and Christopher's crossing - out of the neighborhood be reconsidered. My comments really echo those of my neighbors and so I won't repeat them here. I want to be counted as a concerned resident - the safety of our neighbors and especially our children is at risk and that should be enough to put a pause on the project and reconsider the approach - is traffic flow through the neighborhood really more important than the safety of our children and the livability of our community? Please open a line of communication and publicize that so that our community has a chance to be heard before these changes come to fruition.

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    Colin ODell about 3 years ago

    As a North Crossing resident, I am deeply concerned by the City (in particular, the traffic engineer) continuing to make decisions that negatively impact our community without taking our feedback into account. For example, FPD recently performed a speed study demonstrating that excessive speed violations were occurring, but the decision was made to increase the speed limit and remove a 4-way stop sign - how does that promote safety? Furthermore, the decision to make Timber Grove Road right-turn only means that our residents can no longer access Rt. 15 without having to drive through Willow Brook (a different neighborhood) and turn left at a stop sign that's notoriously difficult to turn left at. Our inquiries are either met with silence or "this has already been decided". I would ask that any further changes to our community, particularly the speed limit change and left-turn restriction, be halted until our residents have a forum to communicate our concerns, and adequate studies are performed and shared with the community. Thank you.

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    Lori Charlebois about 3 years ago

    I am a resident of Willow Brook neighborhood, and I am requesting you reconsider the no left hand turn at the intersection of Timber Grove and Christopher Crossing. The no left turn would isolate the North Crossing north neighborhood and cut them off from accessing Highway 15 and Route 26. This entire neighborhood will be rerouted through Willow Brook and increase the traffic in my neighborhood. They will either need to exit at the Willow Brook entrance or more likely snake around past the part to the the back exit of McClennan and Christopher Crossing. This entrance does not have a 4 way stop and will not be able to accommodate the increase traffic of both neighborhoods.
    I am also concerned about the proposed increased speed limit. The sidewalks on Christopher Crossing are right on top the road and personnel property. I am already nervous walking on them at the current posted limits.

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    Joe Ozag about 3 years ago

    I recently read with great concern the article by Ryan Marshall titled, “Christopher’s Crossing signal to begin operation,” in The Frederick News-Post. I wasn’t concerned about the new traffic signal. It is long overdue.

    I was concerned about the information in the article noting that in connection with the new signal several other changes will be made with little or no notification to affected residents. Among other things, the speed limit on Christopher’s Crossing east of Opossumtown Pike will be raised from 25 to 30 miles per hour, the stop signs will be removed on Christopher’s Crossing at Timber Grove Road and there will be “restrictions on left turns and through movements from Timber Grove Road onto Christopher’s Crossing.”

    Have you lost your minds? I’ve lived at the corner of Christopher’s Crossing and Timber Grove Road for over 17 years. I enjoy sitting on my deck and regularly watch cars blow through the stop signs on Christopher’s Crossing at high speed. Near collisions are a daily occurrence.

    Last year, a driver on Christopher’s Crossing struck and killed a neighbor’s dog as it and the neighbor were crossing the street in the marked crosswalk at the Timber Grove Road intersection. As you probably know, many of the neighborhood children walk to school and must cross Christopher’s Crossing on their way. Next time it could very well be a kid that gets killed. But wait, I forgot. You’re upgrading the crosswalks. That’ll help.

    I am also concerned about the fact that left turns from Timber Grove Road onto Christopher’s Crossing will be “restricted” and perhaps prohibited altogether. For residents living on Midsummer Drive and its adjoining courts, the only way to turn left onto Christopher’s Crossing once that’s done will be from the east end of Midsummer Drive.

    But there is virtually no sightline for traffic coming west on Christopher’s Crossing because of the curve of the road, among other things. I stopped trying to make a left turn onto Christopher’s Crossing from there because it’s too dangerous. And that’s before you raise the speed limit from 25 to 30. The eastbound traffic sightline isn’t much better.

    Please reconsider these decisions before it’s too late. I ask not just for myself and my neighbors but also for those who will inevitably be harmed by these ill-conceived plans. I believe very strongly that if these changes are put into effect, it’s just a matter of time before people are seriously injured or killed on this road.

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    Alicia Minter about 3 years ago

    I am a resident of North Crossing, and I am requesting the decision to remove the 4-way stop and implement turning movement restrictions and median extensions at the intersection of Christopher's Crossing and Timber Grove road be DELAYED until a public meeting is held and the community has been afforded the opportunity to provide comments. My husband, daughter, and I, as well as many of the North Crossing Community residents strongly OBJECT to the proposed plan. The residents of North Crossing Community already feel the negative affects of the traffic volume in this area. Further disrupting and dividing our community by implementing turning restrictions will completely isolate sections of our community from reaching US Route 15, among many other necessary grocery stores, our daughter’s pre-school, and my office. This proposed change will negatively impact our family EVERY SINGLE DAY, multiple times per day, as it will make every single location we go to daily harder to reach.

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    Fiona Kapadia about 3 years ago

    My name is Cyrus Chenoy and I'm a resident of North Crossing Community. The decision to remove the stop sign at Timber Grove and Christopher's Crossing is absolutely absurd. Why is the city removing the stop sign when this section of Christopher's Crossing witnesses speeding motorists??? At the last NAC meeting we were informed that 80 speeding violations were given in one month in our neighborhood. That is a very high number. Also, making Christopher’s Crossing a right-hand turn only road is not taking my community into consideration. Why hasn't there a public hearing about this? Also, why is the speed limit being increased to 30 mph when we already have cars going 40-45 mph on Christopher’s Crossing. I am requesting that the city keep the stop sign at Timber Grove, keep the posted speed limit to 25 and install speed cameras on Christopher’s Crossing. Thank you

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    Douglas Grimmett about 3 years ago

    I am a resident of North Crossing and my home back up to Christopher's Crossing and I have seen the adverse effects of the already implemented changes. I am requesting the decision to remove the 4 way stop and implement turning movement restrictions and median extensions at the intersection of Christopher's Crossing and Timber Grove road be delayed until a public meeting is held and the community has been afforded the opportunity to provide comments. I, as well as many of the North Crossing Community residents strongly OBJECT to the proposed plan. The residents of North Crossing Community already feel the adverse affects of the volume and type of traffic transiting this area. Further disrupting and dividing our community by implementing turning restrictions will essentially isolate sections of our community. North Crossing and Willow Grove are two communities that are paying for price for the initiatives from the comprehensive plan of 2010 and the subsequent modifications to this plan.
    If implemented, the homes of North Crossing Community that are on the north side of Christopher Crossing will continue to feel the adverse affects of the new overpass but not be able to reap any of the benefits. The homes of North Crossing Community that are on the south side of Christopher Crossing will become isolated. These actions will detract from the beauty of living in our communities and will with out a doubt in my mind affect the property values of the community. This action would increase the traffic flow on Midsummer Drive and force residents to utilize the intersection on the East end of Midsummer Dr. This intersect has a limited site distance from the West and would create an even larger hazard for the residents of the Midsummer Dr section of North Crossing Community. These residents pay for amenities of the community and will be essentially annexed from their community. The proposed crosswalk improvements, sound great on paper, but the implementations and actuality of these improvements have little effect on the safety of the community. The same "improvements" were done near the intersection of Christopher's crossing and McClellan Drive. Those improvements did nothing for the safety of the residents. This creates a false sense of security and traffic continually ignores the enhanced crosswalks. Our community has been stripped of its identity and continues to pay the price for the City of Fredericks advancements.