Meeting Time: March 06, 2025 at 6:00pm EST


Thank you for reviewing the agenda for the upcoming City meeting. Before commenting, please review the following:

  1. When you comment, please begin with your Name and General Address (Frederick, MD or Whittier, for example).
  2. One comment is permitted for each agenda item. Each comment is limited to 2500 characters.
  3. Any comments with profanity or comments that can be clearly identified spam will be removed.

Any questions regarding public comments via Granicus eComment can be shared by emailing

Agenda Item

VIII. CONSENT AGENDA All items included under the consent agenda are considered to be routine by the Council. They will be approved by one motion, without separate discussion of each item, unless any person present requests an item or items to be removed from the consent agenda. Any item removed from the consent agenda will be considered separately at the end of the consent agenda. If you would like any of the items below considered separately, please say so when the Council President announces each category.