Meeting Time: March 22, 2023 at 3:00pm EDT

Agenda Item

3. Approval to release Arch Insurance Company surety in the amount of $874,985.67 posted by Nicodemus Farm, LLC to guarantee improvements to Nicodemus Phase 5 project further described in PWA dated 2/10/2017 and acceptance of the following: Holdon Road (A) (Station24+00 to 33+00); Lindley Road (D) (Station 3:40 to 8+50); Vonna Alley (Alley 2) (Station 0+00 to 6+30); Norton Alley (Alley 3) (Station 3+00 to 4+30); Cask Alley (Alley 4) (Station 10+00 to 11+44); and Cask Alley (Alley 5) (Station 10+00 to 11+20).

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