Andrea Mayer about 4 years ago

What is your position about the value of de-escalation training, and would you require it if selected as FPD Chief?

Thomas Davy about 4 years ago

A visible uniformed active police presence/patrol is critical to maintaining the type of community citizens of Frederick expect. When Kim Dine was chief this was effectively implemented. Since Chief Dine has left there has been an observable decline in uniformed police patrols, specifically in the downtown/Carroll Creek area. What will you do as chief to make sure citizens and visitors are aware of active policing? We want uniformed police on bicycles, on foot and segways. Will you commit to this as chief?

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What is your opinion on Community Oriented Policing and how have you supported or implemented such practices?

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Jeffrey Martin about 4 years ago

What will be your approach, as well as, your position on Black Lives Matter and Blue Lives Matter. Each has been misunderstood by many in the general public but will impact our community, country, budget, communications and training.

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The black lives matter movement has been controversial in some elements of our society. What are your personal views on this movement?

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Suicide rates among police officers nationwide is extremely high. In the past FPD officers who are diagnosed with PTSD or related issues were often put on desk duty, forced to take time off without pay, and received little or no support from command staff. Many have been afraid to say anything for fear of losing their job. What will you do to make it easier for officers to ask for help, and will you provide better resources, support, and training for all officers related to mental health and wellness?

Do you support defunding the police? Also will you work with ice to deport illegal immigrants

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